With adoption, it is very hard to live simply without being haunted by our Angel. By cons, since I agreed that our Angel could stay in Ukraine, I can better live with everything. I have not heard from our agency since April, and wrote me in April when it was just to get a copy of our marriage certificate. They had no news to tell us. I think it's better this way, the agency just fun to us to create false hopes that are too difficult to live. I stopped believing them, trust is gone really. With all my reading I learned that the adoption in Ukraine is like a party at the casino, one can easily lose everything or gain but no can predict. Nevertheless, I still hope that our case is filed before the expiration date is September.
Many tell us that we need to take vacations, enjoy life while waiting for our Angel. I admit it is very difficult. Adoption is very expensive, especially with a trip of at least 6 to 8 weeks there, so I would not feel well on vacation now. I prefer to keep my vacation for the big trip, as my sub. I know now, go on a trip, I was just thinking that I'm about to use what is intended to go to Ukraine. We must live with this yes, but I still think it must also be realistic and think a bit in the future.
This summer, I'll still try to enjoy life and make small getaway with my boyfriend and my friends. During this time I'll try to have fun without thinking too much more than adoption.
For our adoption plan, we are given the summer to really think seriously about whether we continue with Ukraine, or if you get into adopting an older child in New Brunswick. In my head, my decision is already quite taken except that I still want to examine the pros and cons "To be on the right decision.
Thanks to all who support us in this great adventure, you may not know how good it makes us.
* Photo taken at Canyon Sainte-Anne last weekend during a trip to Quebec with my mother and my sister where we really lived this :-)
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