Thursday, June 19, 2008

Cough Phlegm When To See A Doctor

My Roxanne - Following

Several of my loyal readers (well what the vast majority are girls, while the female prevails), ask me news of Roxanne, my friend I've made a few weeks ago already. After

more than 4 weeks (35 days to be exact, including 6 ICU) in hospital, Roxanne is finally released yesterday. I certainly do not need to specify that I was so happy when I got the news that she was out. Roxanne is really a fighter, she is strong and I trust it will continue to get better. In recent weeks she has made much progress. Now she has changed the walker and crutches just in the house she is able to move without them. She is at home recovering for at least a month and then the doctors will reevaluate his situation.

I love being with Roxanne. I went to visit her every day at the hospital except on Wednesday because I was meeting outside the city. I had to face my own demons to successfully support my friend. My fear of hospitals is not really a part, but I like them a bit more because they saved the life of my friend. For cons, I love a thousand times more Roxanne went to visit his small apartment, there is so much better.

whole thing made me realize many things, our life does not make much sense and it can scroll very quickly. We must settle our dispute with our family and friends immediately, it should never leave angry. We must never forget to tell them how much we love them and appreciate them. Also, we must live as much as possible the present moment without thinking too much about the future (I still have much misery to this last point but I'm working).

Thank you my friends bloggers supporting me in this race who is not related to the adoption, it's just proof that you're more than just bloggers on adoption, you are true friends. I appreciate your comments, positive vibes for Roxanne and everything.

Now Roxanne and I can resume our lives where we had left there's more than a month. I was very glad to learn this afternoon that Roxanne was going to meet the choir tonight. I always hope that we will be able to go to our trip to PEI, Prince Edward Island in late summer ... and if not this summer, well it'll be next summer.


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