Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Purposely Rude Restaurants

? Today = Saturday?

L’Ukraine n’a pas le même calendrier que nous, mais j’étais certaine qu’ils utilisaient les mêmes jours de la semaine. En tout cas, je ne sais pas sur quelle calendrier c’est basé notre agence, mais faut croire qu’aujourd’hui it's Saturday! Yeah, I've just received their email that they had promised Saturday. I know, better late than never ...

The message said nothing new. They have the same speech for almost a year. Our record is our facilitator in Ukraine ready to drop, such as records of three other families before us. None of their case has been filed this year, but they have no explanation to give us the above. They still do not want to let us connect with these other attempt a family.

They still sent me a financial statement with fees that were already paid for their service. For cons, I do not quite understand how they calculated everything. Also, they included only $ 1 600 that we paid ... we paid much more than that! Anyway, I asked some additional explanations.

All this just confirms that we made the right decision. We can keep our dossier to Ukraine until September, because it is up to date until this month. Then, it should be updated. I do not accept the update again. I think we can keep our record out there until it expires ... and who knows, maybe a miracle will happen ... even if I do not think so.


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