Sunday, June 15, 2008

Genital Herpes From Dry

I want to wish a happy Father's Day to all fathers but primarily to those who wait for their child. I the impression that often are forgotten fathers especially those waiting. Fathers are just as involved as mothers in this long wait, at least the dad is my angel and it makes one more reason why I like it much.

I realized something this week when I was shopping for a card for Father's Day my love. I found no map to an expectant father! However, there were several for expectant mothers in the past month ... maybe I just did not look in the right place ... I hope it is just that. Otherwise, I really do not understand why an expectant mother is more important than future dad really no sense!

As time passes, I feel that my love also has its heart in our little angel and it takes more and more space. I have no doubt he will be a wonderful father. I can not wait to see Angel in our arms.

Happy Father's Day sweetie!


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