Monday, June 16, 2008

What Happens At Sorority Initiation

Our Ukrainian Angel

almost a month ago, I discovered a website where they sell different things handmade. On this site, is a lady jewelry specifically for adoption. There were about Africa, China and Guatemala, but none on Ukraine. A jewel had particularly caught my attention was placed above "Our African Angel." I told myself that I had a pendant like that but for my angel in Ukraine. I contacted the creator of these jewels to see if it was something about Ukraine. She said that not me but it could create one. Then she made me a beautiful pendant that reads "Our Ukrainian Angel" with two small crystals, a blue and yellow as the flag of Ukraine. The famous jewel arrived today. And wow, it's really beyond my expectations, it is simply wonderful. I am so happy with the result. If ever you're interested, go visit . In addition, funds raised go to support adoption.

* The photo does not do justice to him makes it so much, I'm disappointed :-(


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