Sunday, June 15, 2008

Heartgold Rom English Mac

Happy Father's Day A child of New Brunswick?

A child of New Brunswick? Why what? We have never been closed to the adoption of a child of NB, along with our name on the waiting list for a child below 2 years since the start of NB our approach (unlike our friends in Quebec, us it is possible to have more than one project at a time). Yesterday we went to a workshop entitled "Considering adoption? "Here in Fredericton.

This workshop was to provide information and encourage prospective parents to adopt an older child NB The workshop was very interesting with several stories of families who have adopted older children recently with at the end very moving testimony of a 16 year old who was adopted at the age of 11.

With Ukraine, we know that our angel will be over the age of 14 months from the start. By cons, it will now, more children are older. If we are willing to accept a child over 2 years in Ukraine, why not the same thing here in New Brunswick?

For now, we have not yet decided finally, we are still thinking and talking again. Since the beginning of our efforts, we said that our little angel will be with us in Ukraine in March 2009. We have already decided that after that date, we stopped all the steps if there was no change to our file. To me, we can not wait all our lives a little angel that we do not know whether to come or not. Yes, I still want my little angel is what I want most in the world except that I do not accept to lose my mental health and financial. I am very attached to this little angel, I shed tears and still tears the first time I realized that maybe it did not happen. Today, I can accept that maybe this little angel will decide to stay in Ukraine and I accept it difficult ... yes, but I accept it quietly.

Everything we do now, we look other options available to us. Since the beginning, we chose the Ukraine and New Brunswick and we will not change his mind. Many people ask me why they would not change his country. Personally, I can not understand people who do, yes I respect that, but I do not understand. For us since the beginning our Angel is in Ukraine, not elsewhere. It's very hard to explain why the only way I can explain it a little comparison is with a pregnant woman. If a woman is pregnant and gives birth, do you think she would agree to change the baby with the woman beside her? It is unthinkable, right? Then same thing for me with my Angel of Ukraine. As has always left a place in our heart for a child from New Brunswick, we look more closely at this option.

workshop yesterday we were really impressed. We had a lot of good information. We even got to speak with the social worker who could take care of our record if we ever decide to go into this adventure. The social worker reassured us by telling us we would not have to start all our assessment and our case, we would only do an update.

In New Brunswick, training is offered to all prospective parents or foster families called PRIDE. The social worker assured me that if we wanted, we could do the training in French. To have it in French, we will probably move to another reason, but the department would cover our expenses. This training looks really interesting is training 27 hours divided into 9 sessions.

All that to say that we are currently in the process of reflection. We'll really take the time to consider all the pros and cons. Our current record is always updated for Ukraine awaiting deposit at SDA. Our record for Ukraine will have to be redone in September. Until then, it shoed what will happen with Ukraine and what the agency will tell us, while continuing our discussions for an older child in New Brunswick.

Feel free to tell us what you think or tell us your experiences. We appreciate your support.


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