Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rent A Kitchen Columbus Ohio


La pêche est un fruit à peau duveteuse, orangée à pourpre sombre. La chair est de white or yellow, can shoot the red vine peaches said. The nucleus striatum, and does not adhere to the flesh. (Peaches clingstone are actually pavies.)
Peaches are highly valued fresh. They must be picked ripe to develop their full taste. They are fragile fruit that must be handled carefully. Fisheries are also eaten in jams, preserves, juice ... And return in the preparation of many dishes. Fishing is such a fruit rich in vitamin A and potassium.


contains cent grams of peaches to 85% by weight of water and 5 grams of sugar - 1 gram carbohydrates - 1 gram of citrus and a half milligrams iron and a half grams of protein and fat - - phosphorus - Sulfur - and a high percentage of vitamins
Peach helps to stimulate the stomach and helps digestion and diuretic and useful in the case of indigestion and helps to remove bladder stones and urine Bloody. Husk contains peach on the soft fibers and a high content of vitamin A supplementation.
prevent eating peaches for people with diabetes and eating it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or infected بالتهاباتبالامعاء



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