Sunday, November 2, 2008

How Do I Get Internet On A Sidekick 09

Fruits entre plaisir et santé


La pomme est l'un des fruits de climat tempéré the most common. It's botanically a piridion (that is to say a fruit bearing a rosette on the bottom, and a stalk marked). It is a fruit rounded, more or less spherical, 10 to 15 cm in diameter, and color varied depending on the variety.
Apples are very popular raw or stewed fruit, jelly, or juice. It is also used in the composition of many sweet and savory dishes.


يحتوي المائة غرام من التفاح 85% by weight of water - 12% sugar and 90 units of vitamin A - 40 units of vitamin B 1-20 units of vitamin C - 4 grams of fiber and a lot of mineral salts such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus And iron - found in a substance called apples (pectin) that helps to get rid of stomach acidity and gas, as well as reduce high cholesterol in the blood and stop the height and forth help A stable blood sugar.
treated apples constipation and diarrhea, and its ability to regulate the process of digestion and gastric acidity of the stomach and intestines to help break up gallstones
to prevent The progression of atherosclerosis eaten two apples a day. Among the benefits of apple It eliminates uric acid and activates the liver and calm the cough and removes fatigue



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