Thursday, November 20, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
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The orange fruit is well known, widely used on vegetable stalls almost throughout the year. The fruit is shaped and color vary depending on the variety, mais en général est sphérique et de couleur orangée. De même, la pulpe varie en acidité selon les variétés. C'est un fruit très consommé frais ou en jus.
orange contains 80% of its weight of water and about 2% fat and about 10% fiber And 5% minerals and acids, and about 3% sugars and vitamins. There is an orange metal salts such as Kabert and phosphorus, calcium, copper and vitamin C and vitamin B-1 Lobby 2
help Orange to install the limestone in the bone disease is resistant to cold and helps to protect teeth from tooth decay as well as the benefits of orange that stimulates circulation and strengthens the liver ...
not Advised to drink orange juice for people with stomach ulcers and duodenal
The orange fruit is well known, widely used on vegetable stalls almost throughout the year. The fruit is shaped and color vary depending on the variety, mais en général est sphérique et de couleur orangée. De même, la pulpe varie en acidité selon les variétés. C'est un fruit très consommé frais ou en jus.
orange contains 80% of its weight of water and about 2% fat and about 10% fiber And 5% minerals and acids, and about 3% sugars and vitamins. There is an orange metal salts such as Kabert and phosphorus, calcium, copper and vitamin C and vitamin B-1 Lobby 2
help Orange to install the limestone in the bone disease is resistant to cold and helps to protect teeth from tooth decay as well as the benefits of orange that stimulates circulation and strengthens the liver ...
not Advised to drink orange juice for people with stomach ulcers and duodenal
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L'ananas est très riche en sucres, en vitamines C et en minéraux surtout quand il est consommé frais. La consommation de ce fruit facilite la digestion grâce the presence of an enzyme in its composition (bromelain). It is often recommended during schemes since it has a power dsinfiltrant, what is interesting to fight against water retention and cellulite. This fruit is also very refreshing and has detoxifying and diuretic properties.
تحتوي على كميات كبيرة Of sugar and very rich in vitamins and enzymes to help digest 70% by weight of water and 20% by weight of sugar found in pineapple a substance called Alberumilen that help digest heavier foods On the stomach .... Also found out a lot of useful minerals such as iodine and phosphorus, and pressed.
prevents pineapple for people with diabetes
Alanans useful in urinary و مكافحة السموم الموجودة في الدم ويعتبر مفيد للطاقة الجنسية
L'ananas est très riche en sucres, en vitamines C et en minéraux surtout quand il est consommé frais. La consommation de ce fruit facilite la digestion grâce the presence of an enzyme in its composition (bromelain). It is often recommended during schemes since it has a power dsinfiltrant, what is interesting to fight against water retention and cellulite. This fruit is also very refreshing and has detoxifying and diuretic properties.
تحتوي على كميات كبيرة Of sugar and very rich in vitamins and enzymes to help digest 70% by weight of water and 20% by weight of sugar found in pineapple a substance called Alberumilen that help digest heavier foods On the stomach .... Also found out a lot of useful minerals such as iodine and phosphorus, and pressed.
prevents pineapple for people with diabetes
Alanans useful in urinary و مكافحة السموم الموجودة في الدم ويعتبر مفيد للطاقة الجنسية
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The grape is the fruit of the vine. The berries are grouped into clusters more or less important depending on the variety. The grapes are more or less rounded, mature and have a green to yellow to white grapes, red and black pruinose for red grapes.
Among the several thousand varieties of grapes, we just mention a few varieties, the best known and grown:
Aladdin: a variety created by INRA, highly resistant to disease. Has black seeds and juicy.
Alphonse Lavallée, grain black, medium quality.
Golden Chasselas, small rounded grains and gold, the very thin skin. This variety is very common on the shelves from September.
Italia, the coarse oval greenish yellow, and the musky taste usually appreciated.
Muscat Hamburg, the black grains relatively elongated, rather late. The beans are sweet, musky, excellent eating quality.
يحتوي المائة غرام من العنب 95% of its weight of water - 7 Gramt glucose - 1 g fat - 16 grams carbohydrate and a half grams of protein and twenty milligrams of vitamin C and the best types of grapes, a large and white in color
grapes is Tonic for the muscles and nerves and renewed for the cells and repelling toxins from the body and the antiseptic and diuretic and is useful grapes to those who suffer from weak bones and blood disorders and gout and disease Lung and people with rheumatism
grapes helps the body to store fat and nitrogenous substances thus increasing the body of immunity and resistance to disease and fatigue.
should be washed Good grapes before eating to remove the article Slvattalnhac which is sprayed on the grape
The grape is the fruit of the vine. The berries are grouped into clusters more or less important depending on the variety. The grapes are more or less rounded, mature and have a green to yellow to white grapes, red and black pruinose for red grapes.
Among the several thousand varieties of grapes, we just mention a few varieties, the best known and grown:
Aladdin: a variety created by INRA, highly resistant to disease. Has black seeds and juicy.
Alphonse Lavallée, grain black, medium quality.
Golden Chasselas, small rounded grains and gold, the very thin skin. This variety is very common on the shelves from September.
Italia, the coarse oval greenish yellow, and the musky taste usually appreciated.
Muscat Hamburg, the black grains relatively elongated, rather late. The beans are sweet, musky, excellent eating quality.
يحتوي المائة غرام من العنب 95% of its weight of water - 7 Gramt glucose - 1 g fat - 16 grams carbohydrate and a half grams of protein and twenty milligrams of vitamin C and the best types of grapes, a large and white in color
grapes is Tonic for the muscles and nerves and renewed for the cells and repelling toxins from the body and the antiseptic and diuretic and is useful grapes to those who suffer from weak bones and blood disorders and gout and disease Lung and people with rheumatism
grapes helps the body to store fat and nitrogenous substances thus increasing the body of immunity and resistance to disease and fatigue.
should be washed Good grapes before eating to remove the article Slvattalnhac which is sprayed on the grape
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La pêche est un fruit à peau duveteuse, orangée à pourpre sombre. La chair est de white or yellow, can shoot the red vine peaches said. The nucleus striatum, and does not adhere to the flesh. (Peaches clingstone are actually pavies.)
Peaches are highly valued fresh. They must be picked ripe to develop their full taste. They are fragile fruit that must be handled carefully. Fisheries are also eaten in jams, preserves, juice ... And return in the preparation of many dishes. Fishing is such a fruit rich in vitamin A and potassium.
contains cent grams of peaches to 85% by weight of water and 5 grams of sugar - 1 gram carbohydrates - 1 gram of citrus and a half milligrams iron and a half grams of protein and fat - - phosphorus - Sulfur - and a high percentage of vitamins
Peach helps to stimulate the stomach and helps digestion and diuretic and useful in the case of indigestion and helps to remove bladder stones and urine Bloody. Husk contains peach on the soft fibers and a high content of vitamin A supplementation.
prevent eating peaches for people with diabetes and eating it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or infected بالتهاباتبالامعاء
La pêche est un fruit à peau duveteuse, orangée à pourpre sombre. La chair est de white or yellow, can shoot the red vine peaches said. The nucleus striatum, and does not adhere to the flesh. (Peaches clingstone are actually pavies.)
Peaches are highly valued fresh. They must be picked ripe to develop their full taste. They are fragile fruit that must be handled carefully. Fisheries are also eaten in jams, preserves, juice ... And return in the preparation of many dishes. Fishing is such a fruit rich in vitamin A and potassium.
contains cent grams of peaches to 85% by weight of water and 5 grams of sugar - 1 gram carbohydrates - 1 gram of citrus and a half milligrams iron and a half grams of protein and fat - - phosphorus - Sulfur - and a high percentage of vitamins
Peach helps to stimulate the stomach and helps digestion and diuretic and useful in the case of indigestion and helps to remove bladder stones and urine Bloody. Husk contains peach on the soft fibers and a high content of vitamin A supplementation.
prevent eating peaches for people with diabetes and eating it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers or infected بالتهاباتبالامعاء
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banana 'Petite Naine'
Bananas 'Cavendish' or 'Petite Naine' bananas are edible yet widespread in the world. The fruits are smaller gauge than other dessert bananas. This banana has a relatively thin skin, which makes it unsuited for transport.
As for the flavor of this banana, it is generally considered better than other bananas Cavendish.
contains cent grams of bananas for 70% of its weight of water and about 25% of the weight of starch and 20% of the weight of one hundred grape sugar and cane sugar and fat and fiber And protein and mineral salts 60 mg iron and about 40 mg and calcium and potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B 2
Mmoz rich in fiber, which protects the body from injury Tumors, cancer - it also protects the body from anemia and helps the body to secrete salt due to the presence of potassium it - blending banana juice with milk helps to soothe stomach ulcers And is located in a banana Alalcalseyoum finest of calcium in cheese and milk - banana peel Ihnoi Alisratonin material and is a substance that is a component of the brain and help To calm nerves and feel comfortable
prevent eating bananas at people with diabetes and liver disease
Bananas 'Cavendish' or 'Petite Naine' bananas are edible yet widespread in the world. The fruits are smaller gauge than other dessert bananas. This banana has a relatively thin skin, which makes it unsuited for transport.
As for the flavor of this banana, it is generally considered better than other bananas Cavendish.
contains cent grams of bananas for 70% of its weight of water and about 25% of the weight of starch and 20% of the weight of one hundred grape sugar and cane sugar and fat and fiber And protein and mineral salts 60 mg iron and about 40 mg and calcium and potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B 2
Mmoz rich in fiber, which protects the body from injury Tumors, cancer - it also protects the body from anemia and helps the body to secrete salt due to the presence of potassium it - blending banana juice with milk helps to soothe stomach ulcers And is located in a banana Alalcalseyoum finest of calcium in cheese and milk - banana peel Ihnoi Alisratonin material and is a substance that is a component of the brain and help To calm nerves and feel comfortable
prevent eating bananas at people with diabetes and liver disease
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Fruits entre plaisir et santé
La pomme est l'un des fruits de climat tempéré the most common. It's botanically a piridion (that is to say a fruit bearing a rosette on the bottom, and a stalk marked). It is a fruit rounded, more or less spherical, 10 to 15 cm in diameter, and color varied depending on the variety.
Apples are very popular raw or stewed fruit, jelly, or juice. It is also used in the composition of many sweet and savory dishes.
يحتوي المائة غرام من التفاح 85% by weight of water - 12% sugar and 90 units of vitamin A - 40 units of vitamin B 1-20 units of vitamin C - 4 grams of fiber and a lot of mineral salts such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus And iron - found in a substance called apples (pectin) that helps to get rid of stomach acidity and gas, as well as reduce high cholesterol in the blood and stop the height and forth help A stable blood sugar.
treated apples constipation and diarrhea, and its ability to regulate the process of digestion and gastric acidity of the stomach and intestines to help break up gallstones
to prevent The progression of atherosclerosis eaten two apples a day. Among the benefits of apple It eliminates uric acid and activates the liver and calm the cough and removes fatigue
Apples are very popular raw or stewed fruit, jelly, or juice. It is also used in the composition of many sweet and savory dishes.
يحتوي المائة غرام من التفاح 85% by weight of water - 12% sugar and 90 units of vitamin A - 40 units of vitamin B 1-20 units of vitamin C - 4 grams of fiber and a lot of mineral salts such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus And iron - found in a substance called apples (pectin) that helps to get rid of stomach acidity and gas, as well as reduce high cholesterol in the blood and stop the height and forth help A stable blood sugar.
treated apples constipation and diarrhea, and its ability to regulate the process of digestion and gastric acidity of the stomach and intestines to help break up gallstones
to prevent The progression of atherosclerosis eaten two apples a day. Among the benefits of apple It eliminates uric acid and activates the liver and calm the cough and removes fatigue
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