Thursday, August 21, 2008

Broken Blood Vessels On Breast From Breastfeeding


before yesterday, we decided to inform the agency that our decision was final, we finalize the adoption process with Ukraine. This morning I had an answer. A response that tells me the same thing since the beginning of the year. A response that tells me the situation present in Ukraine, which is beyond their control and supervision of their facilitator in Ukraine. An answer to a certain point, I totally agree with. By cons, they always give me the answer to my real question is why the agency did not file any case since the beginning of the year while others have several drop. So all this just confirms that we made the right choice to stop our efforts.

At least his message ended with a note that said she would send me this morning by priority mail all receipts, financial statements and the balance they owe us. Really, it's the only one I wanted them here at this time. I wanted to get back the $ 364.50. It's not a lot if you look at what we already pay for the agency. For cons, I totally agree with the amounts being paid to the agency. We agreed to pay them and we had heard the services for amounts paid unless the latter part of last $ 800 they had been sent.

Yes, I am sad that all this is over, but relief that the agency did not want the air to cause me more problems ... at least for the moment. Remains to be seen whether I'll really get the check.


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